This part of my blog series "Logging in OSGI Enterprise Applications" will talk about openArchitectureWare
The previous blog entries from this series described logging from the Runtime of an OSGI Enterprise Application. The whole Client / Server Project is model-driven based on Eclipse Modeling Project: EMF, UML2 and as engine the generator framework openArchitectureWare.
The MDSD - aspects of the application will be part of another blog series.
Now we want to take a look at logging with SLF4J / LogBack while working with openArchitectureWare.
openArchitectureWare (oAW) in Target Platforms
If you want to use oAW in a Target Platform with SLF4J / LogBack as Logging Framework together with bridges to Commons Logging and Log4J, you'll notice some problems: Many of the oAW bundles are using Require - Bundles instead of Import - Packages as dependency to logging bundles.
I opened a Bugzilla, but it seems its too late for 4.3.1.
If you need it now, thanks to PDE its easy: Import Bundles in your Workspace, change Dependencies to Import Package, then export the Bundle als Plug-In again.
openArchitectureWare (oAW) Workflows
There's an own Launcher for oAW Workflows (Run Configurations | oAW Workflow) - we have to change the Classpath:
Click on User Entries and then Add Projects...
...choose the Logging - Projekts from workspace
...and save changes with Apply.
You have to put the logback.xml (or logback-test.xml) directly under src/ into the project which starts the oAWworkflow. In this xml file we configure the logging from the workflow - doesn't matter if the logoutput was originally sent to Log4J, Commons-Logging or OSGI LogServices.
To control please start a Workflow with debug="true" in your logback.xml.
If all is configured right, then the Console will list at first the logback - configuration and then all log - output from the Workflow sent to our configured Appender (Console, Socket, usw)
Blog Series "Logging in OSGI Enterprise Applications":
Part 1: An overview
Part 6: Logging and openArchitectureWare Workflows
Part 7: ... follows (Stay tuned...)
Perhaps some of my older blogs about Logging und OSGI are also interesting:

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