Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Comparing Files And Folders After Codegeneration

Eclipse has great possibilities to compare files and folders with each other or history.
But I'm also using external tools: 

Some time ago I blogged how to use NameChanger (Freeware) under OSX to rename files where the bundle names aren't named like eclipse bundles (plug-ins) using "name_version".

Also for creating of target platform - locations I'm using a tool to get unique sets of bundles. My blog „Avoid Duplicate Bundles“ desribes the use of FileMerge (under OSX part of XCode Tools).

Now I was looking for an intelligent tool to see if generated code is identical to an older version. This generated code is not checked into a sourcecode repository, because its always regenerated. Before starting the generation those directories werde cleared, so there's also no local history in Eclipse.

While testing 4.3.1RC2 of openArchitectureWare I was interestd to see if the generated code is identical to version 4.3.0.

Its not so easy because there are some allowed differences like:

* generation started at: 9. Dezember 2008 08:04:13 CET

Those generation timestamps should be "identical" to lines with another timestamp. FileMerge from OSX was no help, because these files are reported as different.

Next try: Compare Folders compares the size of files and also reports added or missing files. If the generation timestamp hase same length, then the files are identical otherwise not: 

... I also dont know if the other content is identical - I need the compare more detailed. I found DeltaWalker where I can do waht I want. But the best of all is:

DeltaWalker is an Eclipse RCP Application :-)

...and available for OSX, Windows, Linux. Now it was easy to see if the generated code is the same as before:

Create a File - Filter, where lines of different generation timestamps are identical:

Create a Folder- Filter ignoring OSX-specific .DS_Store Files:

Then hitting Compare::

All the same :-)

congratulations openArchitectureWare 

- in all my projects no differences found between 4.3.0 and 4.3.1RC2 after re - generation.

Without the File - Filter DeltaWalker lists the differences:

...think that DeltaWalker will be a good helper and a great example for RCP Apps.

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