goes --> Eclipse Modeling Project
During the last months oAW (openArchitectureWare) was integrated into Eclipse projects - the so-named oAW 5.0 will be in reality the first oAW Eclipse release as part from Eclipse Modeling Project inside the Galileo train:
- oAW Workflow --> Eclipse EMFT Modeling Workflow Engine (MWE)
- oAW Xpand/Xtend --> Eclipse M2T Xpand
- oAW Xtext --> Eclipse TMF Xtext
Starting with Eclipse 3.5 M7 it would be great if many oAW user will test, if oAW 4.3.1 projects are running well using Plugins from Eclipse Modeling. (if not please report Bugzillas)
Perhaps someone will ask: why is there still an openArchitectureWare project, if all was moved to Eclipse into different projects from Eclipse Modeling ?
Eclipse Modeling contains uncount sub-projects (see also JAX session from Jan Köhnlein „Eclipse Modeling Overview“).
oAW is something like a distribution - a container of some sub-projects running well together - making it easier für users to find out out the right combination to build projects using oAW-like MDSD.
oAW is also a very active community providing much KnowHow and Support for model-driven development - look at the forums here.
There also exist some additional projects around oAW not moved to Eclipse - so try out the new Eclipse Modeling Workflow (MWE), Xpand (M2T) and Xtext (TMF) but stay tuned at openArchitectureWare.
blog in german
now that oAW is part of Eclipse platform ... what happens to the siblings of oAW which are already in EMF like: Check and EMF validation Framework. ATL and XTend ?
the oAW team will announce soon how all goes on.
the goal of my blog was that more oAW users will test their projects using Eclipse. 3.5M7 is a good starting point. All existing projects should run well.
BTW: Xpand at Eclipse Modeling also includes Xtend.
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