Thursday, April 30, 2009

OSGI Enterprise Applications: Monster Bundles from 3rdParty

The (OSGI) world could be so wonderful, all are brave OSGI citizens:

  • one JAR file == one Bundle
  • import-package used for common dependencies
  • (required-bundles if used only in the own namespace)
  • ...

If you have to develope OSGI Enterprise Business Applications, then in most cases you have to integrate 3rdParty bundles, - projects, -frameworks.

And then it can happen, that a 3rdParty project looks good on the very first view: some bundles, well structured, dependencies make sense, but..... why is this core bundle so big ?

Here you'll find the answer: „looking into 3rdParty OSGI bundles

Perhaps the Composite Bundles from upcoming OSGI R4.2 (here and here and Richard Halls Session at JAX09) can help to encapsulate such monster bundles ? I'll try and report....

blog in german

JAX09 - HowTo build an OSGI EJB3 Server - Slides online

Last week I was at JAX conference in Mainz - as always some great days. Most important for me are discussions with friends and networking.

On Friday at OSGI Experts Day I had a session and could give an overview of my OSGI EJB3 server:

Uploaded the slides, so you can watch them here:

  • SlideShare (without embedded Screencasts)
  • Vimeo (as HD Video inclusive Quicktime Screencasts)

Next days I'll produce some episodes for my VideoPodcasts at and publish the session with audio added and some more details.

blog in german

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

redView - Dynamic Views for Business Applications

This year at EclipseCon in Santa Clara I presented first time the new Open Source project "redView" - started from Florian Pirchner and me.

The session was presented without the usual "slides-to-read-while-speaker-speaks". I was inspired by the book "Zen and the Art of Presentation" to make another kind of presentation.

But if you present a session in Zen - style, you couldn't only publish your slides to people not hearing you live. A Zen - style - session is only the half of work - you also have to publish detailed technical informations in an extra document.

In this case - those details will be published soon at to download.

If you were not at EclipseCon or visited another slot and want to know what I have presented, you're not lost - you can watch a Video Podcast:

ekkes - corner - tv just started

As an addition to my blogs in english and german language now I also will publish regular an english Video Podcast at ekkes - corner -

I'll talk about and make live-demos about:

  • Eclipse as IDE and Platform for RCP and Server
  • OSGI - Equinox
  • Eclipse PDE (OSGI Bundle Tooling)
  • Eclipse Riena (Remoting, UI)
  • EasyBeans (EJB3 OSGI Bundles)
  • Drools (Rules Engine, Business Process Flows)
  • redView (Riena EMF Dynamic Views)
  • open-erp-ware (OSGI - ERP - Enterprise Application)
  • Model-Driven Development (oAW - OpenArchitectureWare XPand, XTend, Xtext, Workflow)
  • and more...

If you want to subscribe my Video Podcast:

open iTunes Store, search for „ekkes-corner“ and subscribe. There are two different formats available: for iPod/iPhone and for Desktop/AppleTV).

If you don't use iTunes Store you can read it directly from my web site: or subscribe RSS Feed from there.

The first episode presents the redView Session from EclipseCon.

EclipseCon was as usual: very short nights - but also much fun to meet all the friends again and to learn much.

Next months will be very hard:

  • redView should be published beginning of may 2009
  • my OSGI - Equinox - Server should run under Galileo
  • my ERP Enterprise App should go live in summer 2009

Not to forget: this month is JAX 2009 in Mainz (Germany) where I speak at OSGI Experts Day

There will be some Blogs and Video Podcasts to reflect all this work... stay tuned...
